

(->hiccup)(->hiccup ctx)(->hiccup filter-f ctx)
Generate existing data dictionary into hiccup vectors with optional context `ctx`.
Context `ctx` keys:
- `header` : HTML string with header tags; freeform HTML
- `title` : Title string of the generated HTML page HEAD and top header of HTML
- `stylesheet` : CSS link
- `style` : raw CSS text
- `suppress-style` : if `true`, will suppress default CSS
- `start-body` : HTML string with tags at the top of the BODY tag; freeform HTML
- `end-body` : HTML string with tags at the bottom of the BODY tag; freeform HTML


(->html)(->html ctx)(->html filter-f ctx)
Generate existing data dictionary into HTML string with optional context `ctx`.
Context `ctx` keys:
- `header` : HTML string with header tags; freeform HTML
- `title` : Title string of the generated HTML page HEAD and top header of HTML
- `stylesheet` : CSS link
- `style` : raw CSS text
- `suppress-style` : if `true`, will suppress default CSS
- `start-body` : HTML string with tags at the top of the BODY tag; freeform HTML
- `end-body` : HTML string with tags at the bottom of the BODY tag; freeform HTML


(->markdown)(->markdown title)(->markdown filter-f title)
Convert existing data dictionary into markdown with optional `title`.