Tophat 0.1.5
Released under the Eclipse Public License
Tophat is a Clojure library for handling HTTP request and response documents/maps.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[tophat "0.1.5"]
Public variables and functions:
- ->cxml
- ->emap
- ->exception-info
- ->input-stream
- ->json-input-stream
- ->json-str
- ->kw
- ->transit
- ->xml-str
- ->yaml
- <-acccess-control-allow-headers
- <-accept
- <-accept-charset
- <-accept-control-request-method
- <-accept-datetime
- <-accept-encoding
- <-accept-language
- <-accept-patch
- <-accept-ranges
- <-access-control-access-origin
- <-access-control-allow-credentials
- <-access-control-allow-methods
- <-access-control-expose-headers
- <-access-control-max-age
- <-age
- <-allow
- <-alt-svc
- <-authorization
- <-body
- <-cache-control
- <-connection
- <-content-disposition
- <-content-encoding
- <-content-language
- <-content-length
- <-content-location
- <-content-md5
- <-content-range
- <-content-type
- <-cookie
- <-date
- <-dnt
- <-etag
- <-expect
- <-expires
- <-forwarded
- <-from
- <-header
- <-header-field
- <-header-status
- <-host
- <-if-match
- <-if-modified-since
- <-if-none-match
- <-if-range
- <-if-unmodified-since
- <-last-modified
- <-link
- <-location
- <-max-forwards
- <-origin
- <-p3p
- <-powered-by
- <-pragma
- <-proxy-authenticate
- <-proxy-authorization
- <-public-key-pins
- <-range
- <-referer
- <-refresh
- <-request-id
- <-retry-after
- <-server
- <-set-cookie
- <-status
- <-strict-transport-security
- <-te
- <-tk
- <-trailer
- <-transfer-encoding
- <-upgrade
- <-user-agent
- <-vary
- <-via
- <-warning
- <-www-authenticate
- <-xss-protection
- accept
- accepted
- accepted-key
- accepted-status
- accepted?
- accepts-edn?
- accepts-html?
- accepts-json?
- accepts-text?
- accepts-transit?
- accepts-xml?
- accepts-yaml?
- accepts?
- already-reported
- already-reported-status
- already-reported?
- assert-args
- bad-gateway
- bad-gateway-key
- bad-gateway-status
- bad-gateway?
- bad-request
- bad-request-key
- bad-request-status
- bad-request?
- body->map
- body->text
- body->transit
- client-closed-request-status
- client-errors
- collapse-stack-trace
- conflict
- conflict-status
- conflict?
- connection-closed-without-response-status
- content
- content-type
- content?
- continue
- continue-status
- continue?
- created
- created-key
- created-status
- created?
- default-call-protocol
- echo
- edn-accept
- edn-content
- edn-content?
- expectation-failed
- expectation-failed-status
- expectation-failed?
- fail?
- failed-dependency
- failed-dependency-status
- failed-dependency?
- fifth
- forbidden
- forbidden-status
- forbidden?
- found
- found-status
- found?
- fourth
- gateway-timeout
- gateway-timeout-status
- gateway-timeout?
- get-params
- get-scheme
- get-status-code
- get-status-code-text
- gone
- gone-status
- gone?
- header-accept
- header-accept-charset
- header-accept-datetime
- header-accept-encoding
- header-accept-language
- header-accept-patch
- header-accept-ranges
- header-access-control-access-origin
- header-access-control-allow-credentials
- header-access-control-allow-headers
- header-access-control-allow-methods
- header-access-control-expose-headers
- header-access-control-max-age
- header-access-control-request-headers
- header-access-control-request-method
- header-age
- header-allow
- header-alt-svc
- header-authorization
- header-cache-control
- header-connection
- header-content-disposition
- header-content-encoding
- header-content-language
- header-content-length
- header-content-location
- header-content-md5
- header-content-range
- header-content-type
- header-cookie
- header-date
- header-dnt
- header-etag
- header-expect
- header-expires
- header-field
- header-forwarded
- header-from
- header-host
- header-if-match
- header-if-modified-since
- header-if-none-match
- header-if-range
- header-if-unmodified-since
- header-last-modified
- header-link
- header-location
- header-max-forwards
- header-origin
- header-p3p
- header-powered-by
- header-pragma
- header-proxy-authenticate
- header-proxy-authorization
- header-public-key-pins
- header-range
- header-referer
- header-refresh
- header-request-id
- header-retry-after
- header-server
- header-set-cookie
- header-status
- header-strict-transport-security
- header-te
- header-tk
- header-trailer
- header-transfer-encoding
- header-upgrade
- header-user-agent
- header-vary
- header-via
- header-warning
- header-www-authenticate
- header-xss-protection
- headers
- html-accept
- html-content
- http-version-not-supported
- http-version-not-supported-status
- http-version-not-supported?
- if-let-ok
- im-a-teapot
- im-a-teapot-status
- im-a-teapot?
- im-used
- im-used-status
- im-used?
- informationals
- insufficient-storage
- insufficient-storage-status
- insufficient-storage?
- internal-server-error
- internal-server-error-key
- internal-server-error-status
- internal-server-error?
- json-accept
- json-content
- json-content?
- length-required
- length-required-status
- length-required?
- lift
- lift-custom
- locked
- locked-status
- locked?
- loop-detected
- loop-detected-status
- loop-detected?
- lvs?
- method-not-allowed
- method-not-allowed-status
- method-not-allowed?
- mimetype-edn
- mimetype-html
- mimetype-json
- mimetype-text
- mimetype-transit-json
- mimetype-transit-jsonx
- mimetype-xml
- mimetype-yaml
- misdirected-request
- misdirected-request-status
- misdirected-request?
- moved-permanently
- moved-permanently-status
- moved-permanently?
- mt-edn-regex
- mt-html-regex
- mt-json-regex
- mt-text-regex
- mt-transit-regex
- mt-xml-regex
- mt-yaml-regex
- multi-status
- multi-status-status
- multi-status?
- multiple-choices
- multiple-choices-status
- multiple-choices?
- network-authentication-required
- network-authentication-required-status
- network-authentication-required?
- network-connect-timeout-error-status
- no-clojure-or-java-traces
- no-content
- no-content-status
- no-content?
- non-authoritative-information
- non-authoritative-information-status
- non-authoritative-information?
- not-acceptable
- not-acceptable-status
- not-acceptable?
- not-extended
- not-extended-status
- not-extended?
- not-found
- not-found-key
- not-found-status
- not-found?
- not-implemented
- not-implemented-key
- not-implemented-status
- not-implemented?
- not-modified
- not-modified-status
- not-modified?
- not-ok?
- ok
- ok-key
- ok-status
- ok?
- parse-query-string
- parse-to-request
- partial-content
- partial-content-status
- partial-content?
- payload-too-large
- payload-too-large-status
- payload-too-large?
- payment-required
- payment-required-status
- payment-required?
- permanent-redirect
- permanent-redirect-status
- permanent-redirect?
- post-ct
- pprint-string
- pragma
- pre-ct
- precondition-failed
- precondition-failed-status
- precondition-failed?
- precondition-required
- precondition-required-status
- precondition-required?
- processing
- processing-status
- processing?
- protocol-regex
- proxy-authentication-required
- proxy-authentication-required-status
- proxy-authentication-required?
- range-not-satisfiable
- range-not-satisfiable?
- redirections
- reference-sample-ring-request
- regex-ampersand
- regex-equals
- request
- request-header-fields-too-large
- request-header-fields-too-large-status
- request-header-fields-too-large?
- request-timeout
- request-timeout-status
- request-timeout?
- request-uri-too-long-status
- requested-range-not-satisfiable-status
- reset-content
- reset-content-status
- reset-content?
- response
- reverse-status
- ring-req-accept
- ring-req-accept-charset
- ring-req-accept-datetime
- ring-req-accept-encoding
- ring-req-accept-language
- ring-req-access-control-request-method
- ring-req-authorization
- ring-req-cache-control
- ring-req-connection
- ring-req-content-length
- ring-req-content-md5
- ring-req-content-type
- ring-req-cookie
- ring-req-date
- ring-req-dnt
- ring-req-expect
- ring-req-forwarded
- ring-req-from
- ring-req-host
- ring-req-if-match
- ring-req-if-modified-since
- ring-req-if-none-match
- ring-req-if-range
- ring-req-if-unmodified-since
- ring-req-max-forwards
- ring-req-origin
- ring-req-pragma
- ring-req-proxy-authorization
- ring-req-range
- ring-req-referer
- ring-req-te
- ring-req-upgrade
- ring-req-user-agent
- ring-req-via
- ring-req-warning
- s2i
- see-other
- see-other-status
- see-other?
- server-errors
- service-unavailable
- service-unavailable-status
- service-unavailable?
- status-of-s
- status-of?
- status-text
- status-texts
- success-body
- success?
- successes
- supported-mimetypes
- switching-protocols
- switching-protocols-status
- switching-protocols?
- temporary-redirect
- temporary-redirect-status
- temporary-redirect?
- text-accept
- text-content
- third
- too-many-requests
- too-many-requests-status
- too-many-requests?
- trace->map
- trace-dup?
- transit-accept
- transit-content
- transit-content?
- truesy
- unauthorized
- unauthorized-status
- unauthorized?
- unavailable-for-legal-reasons
- unavailable-for-legal-reasons-status
- unavailable-for-legal-reasons?
- unprocessable-entity
- unprocessable-entity-status
- unprocessable-entity?
- unsupported-media-type
- unsupported-media-type-status
- unsupported-media-type?
- unwrap
- upgrade-required
- upgrade-required-status
- upgrade-required?
- uri-too-long
- uri-too-long?
- use-proxy
- use-proxy-status
- use-proxy?
- user-agent
- valid-status-m
- valid-statuses
- valid?
- variant-also-negotiates
- variant-also-negotiates-status
- variant-also-negotiates?
- when-let-not-ok
- when-let-ok
- xml-accept
- xml-content
- xml-content?
- yaml-accept
- yaml-content
- yaml-content?